
New updated iOS app - "Wavelet Voice Sonogram" ver 4.0


"Wavelet Voice Sonogram" has been updated to version 4.0 now!

"Wavelet Voice Sonogram" is an iPhone app that performs acoustic analysis of voice signals and displays a spectrogram.

A spectrogram is a graph showing the results of sound frequency spectrum analysis with time on the horizontal axis, frequency on the vertical axis, and signal strength represented by colors, and is used for voice analysis, voiceprint identification, and other purposes.

The application can perform acoustic analysis and display spectrograms using three time-frequency analysis techniques: Wavelet analysis, Octave-band analysis and FFT analysis.

It is easy to perform acoustic analysis of speech, instrumental sounds, noise, and so on. It can also be used for elementary learning of speech analysis.

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance.

- Wavelet analysis

- Octave-band analysis

- FFT analysis

It is possible to record audio signals from the iPhone's built-in microphone. While playing back sound, you can search for the desired sound and perform acoustic analysis.


The zoom function allows you to zoom in on a specific period of approximately 10 seconds of PCM data to find the point you want to analyze.

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If you are interested in this app, please click the following link to display on the product information of App StoreTM.

posted by toons at 23:59 | News


New updated iOS app - "High-Frequency Noise Monitor" version 4.0


"High-Frequency Noise Monitor" has been updated to version 4.0 today!

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance.

"High-Frequency Noise Monitor" is a high-frequency noise analysis tool that specializes in high-frequency bands above 8 kHz.

You may be exposed to artificial high-frequency noise on a daily basis that is inaudible to the human ear. This app allows you to monitor such high frequency noises and examine their occurrence.

In general, noise may contain relatively high frequency components depending on its source, and this is classified as high frequency noise.

For example, harmonic noise is radiated from the main body of an electronic device or the power lines of a power conversion device such as AC-DC power adapter, and depending on its power level, it may affect peripheral devices.

High-frequency noise does not often occur at a constant volume or frequency, but often occurs in a certain cycle or randomly. It is not easy to detect such high-frequency noise.


In addition, it retains the PCM data for 20 seconds just before the measurement is stopped, and displays a spectrogram by FFT or the octave band analysis.

The spectrogram is a graph showing the analysis results of the frequency spectrum of sound with time on the vertical axis, frequency on the horizontal axis, and signal strength in colors, allowing visual observation of the occurrence of high-frequency noise.

# FFT analysis

# Octave-band analysis

Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.

posted by toons at 12:10 | News

Thanks for the 11th anniversary of TOON establishment.


TOON celebrated the 11th anniversary of establishment on October 11 today.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for your support.

October 11, 2023 
posted by toons at 12:00 | News


New updated iOS app - "Audio Tone Generator Plus" version 3.0


"Audio Tone Generator Plus" has been updated to version 3.0 today!

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance.

"Audio Tone Generator Plus" is a new integrated sound signal generator application that produces a variety of audio test tones.

This app can be used in a wide range of fields as a reference sound source for audio system testing, sound tuning, hearing testing and more.

It has four types of signal generators as follows, and can generate sine wave signal, frequency sweep, chirp signal, colored noise with octave-band noise.

- Sine wave generator:
It includes sine wave generator that generates a pure tone with a high precision of DVD quality and a frequency accuracy of 0.1Hz, and sets a frequency by 4 presets and keyboard input.

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- Frequency Sweep generator:
It has linear sine wave frequency sweep/warble signal, and adjusts start and stop frequencies by 3 presets and keyboard input. Upward/downward sweep is possible.


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- Frequency Chirp generator:
It is short-time sweep signal with linear or exponential frequency change, and adjusts start and stop frequencies by 3 presets and keyboard input. Chirp signal generation time and start delay time can be adjusted.


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- Colored Noise generator:
It produces White noise, Pink noise, Brown noise, Blue noise, Purple noise and Gray noise. Burst noise can also be output with 4 different duty ratios.


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- Octabe-band colored noise
A user-configurable octave band filter allows 1/1 and 1/3 octave band colored noise to be generated. Multiple arbitrary bandwidths can also be selected.

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Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.

posted by toons at 13:13 | News


"Blooming" lighting event at Heian Jingu Shrine


I visited the "Blooming" lighting event at Heian Jingu Shrine in Kyoto.


It was a dedication event by JRA Kyoto Racecourse, so Daigoku-den Hall was lit up from Keitenmon Gate at the entrance to Heian Jingu Shrine.




The projection mapping of the Daigoku-den Hall was a fantastic scene of autumn cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums in full bloom and racehorses running at full gallop, inspired by the Shukka-sho and Kikka-sho, the G1 race.

This event is free of charge and will be held for 9 days from 10/6 to 10/14 (17:30-20:30).
posted by toons at 23:59 | diary


New updated iOS app - "Audio Frequency Analyzer" version 9.0


"Audio Frequency Analyzer" has been updated to version 9.0 today!

The latest version is compatible with iOS 17.0 and has improved internal processing and performance.

"Audio Frequency Analyzer" is a powerful Real-time Audio Analyzer (RTA) app for iPhone.

It uses our proprietary signal processing technology to analyze incoming audio signals and provides a precision frequency response measurement and spectral visualization.

It is available in a variety of applications, such as sound room tuning, speaker settings, audio equipment testing, stage setting measurement, evaluation of sound mixing environment and Investigation of noise environment.

Measurement function has two measurement modes, 1/3 octave mode and FFT mode.

1/3 octave mode
In this mode, you can measure the energy average value of each frequency band by frequency division in 1/3 octave x 30 bands. You can analyze spectrum in a specific frequency band, not the instantaneous frequency peak. It is suitable for more quantitative spectrum analysis.

# Frequency response analysis (1/3 Octave mode)

# Frequency response analysis - Display measured value

# Frequency response analysis - Peak hold

FFT mode
In FFT mode, It will perform an instantaneous FFT measurement in all measurement frequency. It can measure the instantaneous frequency peak situations, such as cases where multiple harmonics are generated.

# FFT analysis (FFT mode)

# FFT analysis - Peak hold, Slope OFF

# FFT analysis - Peak hold, Slope ON(3dB/oct、center frequency 1kHz)

Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.


New updated iOS app - "Sound Level Analyzer" version 7.0


"Sound Level Analyzer" has been updated to ver 7.0 today!

"Sound Level Analyzer" is a standard noise measurement application for iPhone.

It measures the sound level (noise level) of environmental noise, specific sound sources, music sounds, etc. in real time, and also allows you to check the maximum value, minimum value, and time-averaged value.

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance. Changed the display position of the occurrence time and the maximum level in "Display Max" at P.S. mode.

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Sound levels are indicated in decibels (dB).
It can be used as a sound level meter for ambient noise (A-corrected), a sound level meter for monitoring live events (C-corrected), or to measure sound levels without aural correction (Z). Time variability over the last 20 seconds can be displayed graphically.

In addition, frequency analysis can be displayed along with sound level measurements.

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It can also detect the maximum peak level and display the measurement results at the point of detection after the measurement is completed.


# Example of the noise level situation:
- 130dB : Engine sound of Airplane
- 110dB : Horn of Car
- 100dB : Noise of passing train
- 90dB : In loud factory
- 80dB : In the train, Vacuum cleaner
- 70dB : Noisy office, Noisy street
- 60dB : Quiet Car, Normal conversation
- 50dB : Quiet office
- 40dB : In the library, Quiet residential area
- 30dB : Outskirts of midnight, Whisper
- 20dB : Sounds of rubbing leaves

If you are interested in this app, please click the following link to display on the product information of AppStoreTM.

posted by toons at 13:28 | News


New updated iOS app - "Sound Level Analyzer PRO" version 6.0


"Sound Level Analyzer PRO" has been updated to ver 6.0 today!

"Sound Level Analyzer PRO" is an integrated sound measurement app with sound level measurement and powerful sound analysis tools.

This app is a further evolution of "Sound Level Analyzer Lite" and "Sound Level Analyzer", which are used as the standard noise measurement app around the world.

It can display automatically the instantaneous sound level such as environmental noise, specific sound sources, live sounds in real-time.

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance. Changed the display position of the occurrence time and the maximum level in "Display Max" at P.S. mode.

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In addition, this app has advanced sound analysis functions that can perform "Power Spectrum Analyzer", "Time Course graph", and "Statistical Analysis (Histogram, Percentile Level)".

It can be used to analyze characteristics and trends of occurrence for the noise/sound source.

# Power Spectrum Analyzer
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# Maximum level detection (displays the power spectrum with the maximum level detected within the measurement time)
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# Time Course graph (displays measurement results for up to 8 hours)

# Statistical Analysis (Histogram, Percentile Level)
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# Example of the noise level situation:
- 130dB : Engine sound of Airplane
- 110dB : Horn of Car
- 100dB : Noise of passing train
- 90dB : In loud factory
- 80dB : In the train, Vacuum cleaner
- 70dB : Noisy office, Noisy street
- 60dB : Quiet Car, Normal conversation
- 50dB : Quiet office
- 40dB : In the library, Quiet residential area
- 30dB : Outskirts of midnight, Whisper
- 20dB : Sounds of rubbing leaves

If you are interested in this app, please click the following link to display on the product information of AppStoreTM.

posted by toons at 14:40 | News

New updated iOS app - "Low Frequency Detector" version 6.0


"Low Frequency Detector" has been updated to version 6.0 now!

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance.

"Low Frequency Detector" is a new acoustic measurement tool for detecting the low frequency sounds that is hard to hear in the normal situation.

It also allows you to examine the frequency component of the low frequency sounds by 1/3 octave band analysis and FFT analysis.

In general, the low frequency sound is a sound wave with 1 Hz to 100 Hz. By depending on its frequency component and sound level, it is different the degree of influence on the human body and the noise sensation.

The human ear is insensitive enough to become a low frequency. If you may be exposed to the noise of neighboring constructions and factories without noticing, you may have a feeling bad and a sense of oppression. In this case, you can check what type of low frequency sound exists by simple operation of this app.

Please use this app to find out whether or not low frequency sounds are present and their sources and to help with noise control.

# Time transition graph

# 1/3 octave band analysis

# FFT analysis

After the completion of the measurement, you can display the report of peak LF Level analysis.

# Report of low frequency sound analysis results

# Example report for RED status (Hazardous Noise Levels).

The following are some of the sources of the low frequency sounds.

# Sources in the home: heat pump water heaters, household fuel cells, ventilation fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, blowers, dehydration pumps, etc.

# Outdoor sources: cars, trains, airplanes, outdoor air conditioning units in buildings, factory noise, long-term vibration of road bridges, wind power generation, etc.

If you have unexplained health problems or feel unwell, you may be exposed to such low frequency sounds.

Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.

posted by toons at 14:38 | News

New updated iOS app - "Mosquitone Detector" version 5.0


"Mosquitone Detector" has been updated to version 5.0 today!

The latest version supports iOS 17 and improves stability and performance.

"Mosquitone Detector" is a sound measurement app that detects high-frequency noises and ultrasonic sounds hard to hear for human ears.

It may have been exposed to artificial high-frequency noise while you do not notice. This app can detect and visualize such high-frequency noises.

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# Detect mode: It can check if there are high frequency and ultrasonic sounds that you cannot hear.

・Frequency spectrum (pie chart)
The pie chart displays a detailed frequency spectrum and is displayed in color gradation according to the intensity of the noise level for each frequency. Normal levels are blue to green, yellow for stronger vigilance levels, and red for stronger danger levels, as described below.

- Normal level (less than 75dB) : Blue / Green
- Warning level (75dB or more, less than 85dB) : Yellow
- Hazardous level (85dB or more) : Red

・Frequency band sound level (bar graph)
The bar graph is the frequency band sound level, and displays the noise status in 1kHz unit bands.
It detects the strongest high-frequency components and displays the peak frequency bar and measured values (frequency and level) as reference information. This peak frequency is constantly updated.

* Measurement case with high-frequency band above 16 kHz; high-frequency noise found around 21.3 kHz! As noise level is not so loud, the display range is adjusted and enlarged.

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* Measurement case with high-frequency band below 16 kHz; high-frequency noise with large gain level was found around 15.1 kHz!


# Search mode: It can find the direction of high-frequency sound source.

Tap "Start" button, hold the iPhone device firmly in your hand, and make one slow clockwise (rightward) rotation (360 degrees horizontally) to search for the direction of the high-frequency sound source. The red bar on the pie chart and the angle display shows the direction of the sound source.

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For more information on "Mosquitone Detector" app, please visit the iOS product page on the App StoreTM.

posted by toons at 14:36 | News