
New updated iOS App - "Audio Frequency Analyzer" ver 8.0


"Audio Frequency Analyzer" has been updated to version 8.0 today!

"Audio Frequency Analyzer" is a powerful Real-Time Audio Analyzer (RTA) app for iPhone.

It uses our proprietary signal processing technology to analyze incoming audio signals and provides a precision frequency response measurement and spectral visualization.

It is available in a variety of applications, such as sound room tuning, speaker settings, audio equipment testing, stage setting measurement, evaluation of sound mixing environment and Investigation of noise environment.

The latest version is compatible with iOS 16.0 and features a new UI design and improved performance.

Measurement function has two measurement modes, 1/3 octave mode and FFT mode.

In 1/3 octave mode, you can measure the energy average value of each frequency band by frequency division in 1/3 octave x 30 bands. You can analyze spectrum in a specific frequency band, not the instantaneous frequency peak. It is suitable for more quantitative spectrum analysis.

# Frequency response analysis (1/3 Octave mode)

# Frequency response analysis - Display measured value

# Frequency response analysis - Peak hold

In FFT mode, It will perform an instantaneous FFT measurement in all measurement frequency. It can measure the instantaneous frequency peak situations, such as cases where multiple harmonics are generated.

# FFT analysis (FFT mode)

# FFT analysis - Peak hold, Slope OFF

# FFT analysis - Peak hold, Slope ON(3dB/oct、center frequency 1kHz)

Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.

posted by toons at 10:02 | News


New updated iOS App - "Low Frequency Detector" ver 5.0


"Low Frequency Detector" has been updated to version 5.0 now!

"Low Frequency Detector" is a new acoustic measurement tool for detecting the low frequency sounds that is hard to hear in the normal situation.

It also allows you to examine the frequency component of the low frequency sounds by 1/3 octave band analysis and FFT analysis.

In general, the low frequency sound is a sound wave with 1 Hz to 100 Hz. By depending on its frequency component and sound level, it is different the degree of influence on the human body and the noise sensation.

The human ear is insensitive enough to become a low frequency. If you may be exposed to the noise of neighboring constructions and factories without noticing, you may have a feeling bad and a sense of oppression. In this case, you can check what type of low frequency sound exists by simple operation of this app.

Please use this app to find out whether or not low frequency sounds are present and their sources, and use it for noise control.

# Time transition graph

# 1/3 octave band analysis

# FFT analysis

After the completion of the measurement, you can display the report of peak LF Level analysis.

# Report of low frequency sound analysis results

# Example report for RED status (Hazardous Noise Levels).

The following are some of the sources of the low frequency sounds.

# Sources in the home: heat pump water heaters, household fuel cells, ventilation fans, refrigerators, air conditioners, blowers, dehydration pumps, etc.

# Outdoor sources: cars, trains, airplanes, outdoor air conditioning units in buildings, factory noise, long-term vibration of road bridges, wind power generation, etc.

If you have unexplained health problems or feel unwell, you may be exposed to such low frequency sounds.

Detailed information about this app is available on the AppStore and can be found at the following link.

posted by toons at 05:14 | News


New updated iOS App - "Audio Tone Generator Plus" ver 2.0


"Audio Tone Generator Plus" has been updated to version 2.0 today!

"Audio Tone Generator Plus" is a new integrated sound signal generator application that produces a variety of audio test tones.

This app can be used in a wide range of fields as a reference sound source for audio system testing, sound tuning, hearing testing, SR fields and more.

The latest version features improved performance and a revamped UI design for better visibility.

It has four types of signal generators as follows, and can generate sine wave signal, frequency sweep, chirp signal, colored noise with octave-band noise.

- Sine wave generator:
It includes sine wave generator that generates a pure tone with a high precision of DVD quality and a frequency accuracy of 0.1Hz.


- Frequency Sweep generator:
It has linear sine wave frequency sweep/warble signal. Upward/downward sweep is possible.

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- Frequency Chirp generator
It is short-time sweep signal with linear or exponential frequency change. Chirp signal generation time and start delay time can be adjusted.

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- Colored Noise generator with Octave-band noise
It produces White noise, Pink noise, Brown noise, Blue noise, Purple noise and Gray noise. It can also generate 1/1 and 1/3 octave band colored noise with user-configurable frequency octave-band filter. Multiple selections of arbitrary bands are possible. Burst noise can also be output with 4 different duty ratios.

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- Octave-band noise
It can also generate 1/1 and 1/3 octave band colored noise with user-configurable frequency octave-band filter. Multiple selections of arbitrary bands are possible.

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If you are interested in this app, please click the following link to display on the product information of App StoreTM.

posted by toons at 13:43 | News


New updated iOS App - "Audio Tone Generator Lite" ver 6.0 - Free of charge!


"Audio Tone Generator Lite" has been updated to ver 6.0 today!

"Audio Tone Generator Lite" is a simple sound generator app. It creates the audio feference signals as Sinewave, Sinewave Sweep, White Noise and Pink Noise.

It is a free app that simplifies the highly functional app, "Audio Tone Generator Plus".

It will help you to make the sound benchmark for your audio equipment and loudspeakers, your listening environment and room acoustics or your hearing.

The latest version has further improved stability and updated UI design.


The signals created by this app can be best used in conjunction with external devices, such as an audio spectrum analyzer or a sound level meter.

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If you are interested in this app, please click the following link to display on the product information of AppStoreTM.

posted by toons at 10:14 | News